We will help you prepare for the first kiss of 2021. Be ready with the best breath to smooch your favorite person, or not, while you welcome this new year. This tips not only will help you through your New Year’s kiss but for all year around.

As part of your oral routine, you have to brush or scrape your tongue. This will remove particles of food that might got caught in the buds of the tongue causing bad breath.

New year, new toothbrush? You need to change your toothbrush every 3 months or when the brush bristles are fray, whatever happens first. Toothbrush saves a lot of bacteria that can issue bad odors.

Keep your oral healthy routine, remember this will remove bacteria from your mouth keeping it clean, make sure you are doing it correctly.

Avoid drinking coffee and smoking, not only for odor proposes also because this habit can stain the teeth enamel and rebound in your health.

Nobody likes an onion flavor kiss, unless you are eating onion rings. Adjusting your diet might ensure a more odorless breath, try limit or avoid your ingest of garlic, onion and spicy foods.

Now let’s talk about the easy fix: mints, peppermint gum, mouthwash or spray. Take one of these options an hour before midnight and you are ready to have that fresh smooch at the very first seconds of new year 2021. Important to mentioned that mouthwash or spray has to be alcohol-free. This are easy fix, visit the best dentist in Tijuana to discuss bad breath.

Some of these solutions are temporary other are part of the oral health routine. It’s important to note that chronical brad breath is a condition that needs to be treated. Please if you think that your breath is out of the normal, contact Advanced Smiles Dentistry to schedule an appointment.