A dental implant is a titanium screw that will fuse with the jawbone to replace a
missing tooth, it will also provide stability to the jawbone without causing any damage
to your teeth.
An implant can replace a missing tooth but a couple more implants can help you
replace an entire upper or lower jaw. This depends on several factors but if you are a
good candidate, soon you will be able to eat as you did with your natural teeth
At the first appointment a general dental evaluation including a complete set of x-
rays will be performed. For the complete implant process, it takes at least 6
appointments. If you are candidate for implants, we will start by numbing the area
where the implant is going to be placed using local anesthesia. Then we will do an
incision into the gum so we can start drilling the bone to create the necessary
space for the implant placement. Once the implant is in its place, the final step are
some stitches, this helps to repair the tissues properly. We will prescribe pain and inflammation medication, including
antibiotic to prevent infections.
After the surgical process we will give you some aftercare instructions that you will
need to follow.
Dental implants are necessary when you are missing one or more teeth, but either
you can’t or do not want to get partial dentures, bridges or crowns.
– One or more missing teeth
-If you have a severely broken tooth
-If you have loose fitting dentures
-Improved comfort
-Improved speech
-Easier eating
-Improved oral health
Implants are indicated in cases where patients have missing teeth and they want
to replace those teeth with a single crown over implant, bridges over implants or
complete denture attach on implants.
But there are some important factors as bone quality, height and thickness,
important medical conditions or immunosuppressive drugs consumption
that can affect the result of an implant.