Any oral surgery is a serious surgical procedure. Post-operative care is very important. Unnecessary pain and the complications of infection and swelling can be avoided if the instructions are followed carefully. After any type of extractions your main dentist and/or oral surgeon will explain how to take care of your oral surgery. As part of the post-op indications, the diet is one key point to a successful recovery that most people take for granted. It’s very important to have a healthy diet to minimize the risks of complications. So, what if you got extractions during the Holidays, because is the time you can get off of work.

First, we are going to talk about what you can eat. After an oral surgery your food intake is going to be limited, therefore we highly recommend to wisely choose your foods. We recommend lots and lots of liquids and start with a soft diet.

-Broth and soups (lukewarmn or cold to avoid irritate the wound) Winter vegetable & lentil soup.

-Mashed potatoes or roasted sweet potatoes.

-Scrambled eggs; Christmas Morning Egg Casserole

– Water based smoothies and ice cream

-Boiled vegetables; cauliflower baked

-Boiled fish


Completely avoid for the time suggested after the extraction or until your dentist indicates:

-Using a straw, chips, seeds, toasted bread… (2 weeks)

-Greasy foods, dairy, seafood, pork, spices, citrus, alcohol and smoking… (1 week)

-Spitting, swishing, heat exposure, physical stress (5 days)


This is an average guide. Important to stated that every dental office and dentist may have different indications depending their practice and clinical diagnosed. Please talk to your main dentist if you have any questions, doubts or if you think that your healing process is not going well.

Remember to schedule your checkup appointment every 6 months, please don’t visit the dentist until you are in pain and the tooth needs to be pulled. You can always avoid the last resource, an extraction, by being close with the best dentist in Tijuana.

-Happy Holidays