The best dentists near the border have top tips to maintain a long-lasting smile with dental veneers.


Dental veneers are considered a small commitment to enhancing the look of your smile and boosting your self-assurance. Under those circumstances, whether you choose porcelain or composite veneers. This cosmetic treatment can improve your teeth’s aesthetics. With this intention, looking after your veneers is essential to keep then shiny.


The Lifespan of Dental Veneers

In the long run properly care porcelain veneers can last up to 10-15 years, but some may last even longer. Here are the key factors that influence the lifespan of dental veneers:


Oral Hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is an important factor to preserve your veneers. You should brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily. Also, follow your dentist indications.  For example, dentist Cynthia Narvaez can teach you the ideal brushing technique.


Diet habits

Avoid foods and beverages that can stain the veneers, such as coffee, red wine, and acidic foods. Quitting smoking or using tobacco products can also extend the life of your veneers.


Night Guard

Bruxism can damage your teeth from the pressure generated by grinding.  Therefore, you need to use a mouthguard to protect your porcelain veneers.


Routine dental check-ups

Dentist Jorge Manriquez recommends to schedule a checkup every 6 months. For the purpose of exam your veneers condition and address any dental issue.


Working with Advanced Smiles Dentistry guarantees that porcelain veneers will be applied properly the first time by our cosmetic dentists. A well-done dental treatment can save you time and money in the future.


Choosing dental experts in Tijuana

At Advanced Smiles Dentistry, we prioritize each patient’s well-being to guarantee your satisfaction with your new white smile. Reach out today and schedule a consultation appointment to transform your smile with porcelain veneers, with any of our cosmetic dentists.