With this is mind, to prevent any dental emergencies the best dentists in Tijuana have some awesome tips for you to consider as resolutions for the new year 2022.
Brush your teeth
The 2×2 brushing rule. The ADA (American Dental Association) recommends to brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes each time. Additionally, you should use a soft bristle toothbrush to minimize the worm down of the enamel.
Dental Flossing
Because the bristles of your tooth brush can’t reach all the areas between your teeth. The general dentists of Advanced Smiles Dentistry advice to floss at least once a day to achieve a more detail oral hygiene. While you use a water flosser or a string floss, is important that you make it part of your routine.
Tooth Brush
The wore out bristles reduce the power of cleaning. Therefore, you should change your toothbrush every 3 months. Not to mention that keeping a fresh and new toothbrush can reduce the chance of collecting germs.
Visit your dentist
You should visit the best dentists in Tijuana twice a year. Every 6 months you need to schedule a routine dental exam to keep your oral health and prevent any serious dental problems.
You can start year 2022 off right with a dental checkup and a teeth cleaning. Schedule your appointment with the best dental clinic near the border that has the most affordable dental prices.
At Advanced Smiles Dentistry we accept most PPO dental insurances. Start using your 2022 renewal dental benefits.