Breast cancer and oral health

Breast cancer and oral health

 Is that time of the year again. Where Advanced Smiles Dentistry joins the cause to bring awareness about breast cancer. After all, Breast cancer is a well-known health concern that affects millions of women worldwide. While it may seem unrelated at first glance,...
Tips for a long-lasting dental veneer

Tips for a long-lasting dental veneer

The best dentists near the border have top tips to maintain a long-lasting smile with dental veneers. Dental veneers are considered a small commitment to enhancing the look of your smile and boosting your self-assurance. Under those circumstances, whether you choose...
Best dentists debunking dental care myths

Best dentists debunking dental care myths

We asked Advanced Smiles Dentistry professionals to clear out the most common dental mistakes.The Harder You Brush, The Cleaner Your TeethOver brushing your teeth is not going to improve your oral health. On the contrary, brushing your teeth hard can lead to gum...
Pain free root canal in Tijuana

Pain free root canal in Tijuana

Funny to think that a root canal is often associated with a painful dental procedure. When actually a root canal is the treatment to relief the pain. Have you ever considered having a dental root canal done in Tijuana? Tijuana has become known for quality dental care,...
White smiles for fourth of July

White smiles for fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July from the best dentist and all staff at Advanced Smiles Dentistry. Cosmetic dentists have top recommendations to keep your smile as bright as the fireworks to celebrate this, Independence Day.Reasons teeth might turn yellow Poor oral...
Why visit the dentist in Tijuana?

Why visit the dentist in Tijuana?

Is well known that US healthcare is highly expensive, even with insurance. Specifically talking about oral health. Therefore, American have been traveling to Mexico for more affordable dentistry. Low-cost dental care in MexicoI general dental procedures in Tijuana are...