Emergency Dental Care in Tijuana

Emergency Dental Care in Tijuana

Dental emergencies can strike unexpectedly, increasing in Holiday season, causing discomfort and anxiety.  At this instant, you should contact Advanced Smiles Dentistry. Located in Tijuana, our dental clinic offers high-quality dental services at more affordable...
Halloween: don’t scare away your smile!

Halloween: don’t scare away your smile!

As Halloween approaches our dental office, Advanced Smiles Dentistry, wants to remind you that in this holiday we’ll be open to disenchant the spell from your oral health. Halloween Candy CavitiesIt’s spooky season! there’s nothing scarier than a giant bag full of...
Dental payment plans in Tijuana

Dental payment plans in Tijuana

Advanced Smiles Dentistry offers budget-friendly dental services without compromising the quality of the dental work. We believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality dental care without breaking the bank. Our best dentists are committed to providing top-notch...
Breast cancer and oral health

Breast cancer and oral health

 Is that time of the year again. Where Advanced Smiles Dentistry joins the cause to bring awareness about breast cancer. After all, Breast cancer is a well-known health concern that affects millions of women worldwide. While it may seem unrelated at first glance,...